
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blessed and Holy: Understanding Them Better Through Luke 10:25-28 (Relationship - Part 2 of 5)


There is no more important time to define holy correctly than RIGHT NOW.  And the best people to have on your team to reach the correct definition are those who possess both common sense and a specialized sense.  It is also good to have on your side commonly known passages like Luke 10:25-28 to make sure your point of view is well-supported.  (More on this part later this week.)  When it comes to understanding the definition of holy in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, surprisingly the biggest problem is not that people do not know Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.  I still wish more did! The bigger problem is that the specialists who know Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek lack too often common sense in their own language.

When people lack common sense, they are undependable.  That can leave us running scared.  That is a very big problem.  It can result in what are called "random catastrophic failures" by yourself and those who are around you.  You need brains that don't have this problem.  You need a brain that has common sense.  It is like a computer with a dependable microprocessor. We have got computer integrated circuits that have overcome this issue, but do we have the brains too?  These kinds of errors need to be taken care of and fast as learned in the computer industry years ago. Again, brains with those kinds of mistakes can leave people running scared.

Let me give you a concrete example.  I once was coaching on a sideline, when the head coach sent into the quarterback a signal from the sidelines for the next play.  The quarterback took the signal to mean that we wanted to do a quick kick.  That wasn't nearly so bad until the rest of the team lined up with him and did just that. It made absolutely no sense whatsoever.  We had time outs to use.  It ended up costing us the game. We were driving at the time for a potential score.  The quarterback had a great sense of his mechanics as a quarterback, which is a specialized knowledge that other players don't possess, but he also lacked common sense.  That made him at a critical point in the game undependable.  It was really costly.  But that was only a game.  In the case of holy, its wrong definition is much more costly.  It can cost us our lives.

So how can "random catastrophic failures" be avoided?  I think I know how.  First, there has to be no opposition to continuing to grow in our specialized knowledge of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.  That has to be a GIVEN right now.  What is not a GIVEN is that those with this specialized knowledge are dependable.

The problem of their lack of dependability seems to keep growing.  They keep pointing out what is not dependable (ex. James Barr), but they do a weak job of replacing what is not dependable with something that is dependable.  I'm afraid that a major part of this problem goes back to the place where our schools that were designed to give us sense failed to do so.

Don't get me wrong, I am strongly in favor of schools.  I believe in "sense and schools" as much as I believe in "rules and freedom".  They are inseparable.  But the point of schools is to provide sense and eliminate nonsense. Nonsense is what I believe is resulting in "random catastrophic failure".  Something is wrong. Elimination of what is wrong is not happening frequently enough.  We have got a problem right NOW.

What I would like to do is have everyone take a deep breath (in football we call this a "time out") and take some time to find out to text if they possess common sense.  That goes for everyone who wants to know the meaning of holy or blessed or any biblical words for that matter.  The problem is that there has not been a good test for common sense.  (While there are a lot of tests for whether you know Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek).

Reading Thomas Paine's Common Sense won't do it.  That is somewhat of a dead end.  Common sense is something that you can't study for once you are asked, because then you are admitting you don't HAVE it. Relationally, you either HAVE or you DON'T' HAVE it, when you are asked the question.   So here is the big test.  By the way, I would have struggled to come up with the answer not that long ago myself. So don't feel bad, rather get yourself tested.  That is the first step to getting it, if we don't have it already.

I want you to answer a simple essay question without any studying.  I want to find out whether you have it right NOW (not later).  I want everyone who is going to read my definition of holy or give me their definition of holy to at least possess common sense BEFORE they or I speak on the topic.  (I have already given my definition in earlier posts, if you trust my common sense.)

To do this testing of common sense, I am offering a series of tests.  It will have three parts over the remaining days of this week (the week starting Sunday, April 20, 2014).  Remember to really prove you have common sense right now you have to avoid cheating.  This is all based on a honesty system.  I can't check all the cheaters at the door, but you can check yourself.  By the way, God is checking you at the door (according to my mother).

I want you to post your answers in the comment sections below.  You can write out the answer in as little as 5 to 10 words in a list or you can expand on it.  The question is whether you are among the HAVES or the HAVE NOTS in the place and time you are RIGHT NOW.  There is no better timing.

I will not be posting answers, until there is enough interacting with the question (100 + people), but I will let you know if you get 100 % as soon as I can without giving the answer away to everyone else.  (I will be open to common sense suggestions on how to do this process better. I also have never done this process quiet like this before. You know what that means.  )

So here is the question:  "Tell me in as short of a manner as you can, the common sense words in your language?"  Please time yourself and give yourself a full 15 minute time period, if needed.  I hope you do well!  Thank you for taking part.  

Don't worry, I'll giving the definition of holy to all who possess common sense without "random catastrophic failures!  Again, thank you for taking an active part.



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