
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Holy: Understanding it Better through Genesis 2:1-3, Part 2 (of 5)

"When we succumb to believing that we are victiims of our circumstances and yield to the plight of determinism, [then] we lose hope, we lose drive, and we settle for resignation and stagnation", according to Stephen R. Covey.  I am using quotes from him in particular at this time, because of his untimely death at age 79 due to a biking accident.  Transfering information from one place and time to another is often treated with the same amount of lost hope, lost drive, resignation and then stagnation.  It is high time to get back to the task of transferring what was said in ancient places and ancient times to our own place and time. 

The best clues for how to do this are in uncovering the explicit relationships in the ancient texts of that time, so that we can then understand better how to transfer things properly to our own place and time. 

This entry will look primarily into the importance of transfer.  What are those things in the text that connect with that time and also with our time?  I will be looking primarily at relational connections.  If possible I will include a diagam of the text that is very helpful.  This will be dependent though on a blog's formatting and its ability to handle an Excel file being pasted into it.  [If you have experience with that you may be able to help me.] 

I haven't tried it in the past because I have been assuming it would  not work.  [This entry is in process.]

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